Plants for the office - which ones to choose?

More and more companies are opting to place plants in their offices. There are many arguments confirming that it is a good idea. So let's consider which flowers will work best in the workplace.
Why are plants in the office a good idea?
Plants are a crucial element of interior design. So why not include them as office equipment? Being in the company of plants often improves our well-being. They also help purify the air and maintain the proper humidity level. Moreover, plants can actually reduce noise levels! Anyone who has walked along a sidewalk separated by shrubs or a row of trees from a busy street has noticed this. Since we eagerly enjoy the benefits of plants in our homes, we can do the same in the workplace!
For about fifty years now, we have had scientific evidence of the health-promoting effects of potted plants on humans. It was then that NASA conducted studies confirming their ability to remove harmful substances such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene. Not to mention, they naturally remove carbon dioxide from the air as well.
Increased creativity thanks to plants in the office
Adding plants to the office interior design has a positive impact on both employees and visiting clients. Greenery in the workplace is beneficial for our creativity and productivity. It can also be observed that individuals working in offices with plants make fewer errors during work.
Potted plants in the office, placed near work areas, can also lower noise levels. This is particularly beneficial in open-space offices. In noisy environments, there is no need to erect partitions or install acoustic panels. Plants in the office serve a similar purpose while offering many other advantages.
Which flowers are suitable for the office? Office plants
We already know that furnishing the office with plants has not only aesthetic benefits. Let's now move on to which flowers are best suited for the office. Usually, potted plants for the office are the best choice, as they are easy to place in almost any location. More advanced designs also incorporate the creation of green walls or partition walls that combine space for office equipment and documents with space for flowers.
In any case, it is best to choose plants for the office that do not require complicated care. Their cultivation should be as simple as possible. It is ideal to have office flowers that are easy to keep clean. Also, remember to select plants suitable for the office in terms of sunlight exposure. Some plants thrive directly by the window, while others excel in the depths of the room.
Which plant species are best for the office?
One of the most popular office plants is the snake plant, also known as sansevieria. It has the ability to filter harmful and chemical substances. It also has low requirements and can thrive in the office regardless of humidity and access to light.
Ivy is also effective in air purification. Choosing this species allows for an unconventional use of plants as decoration since ivy can both climb and hang. It works well, for example, as a wall decoration in the office.
Another low-maintenance plant that comes in various sizes is the dracaena. It looks aesthetically pleasing and adds charm to the office interior regardless of its style.
The ficus is a popular plant species for the office. It prefers moderate lighting, making it suitable to place near a printer. Why? Ficus plants are excellent at purifying the air, including removing ammonia, which is often present near office printing equipment. However, it should be noted that the ficus requires regular watering.
Ferns possess air-purifying qualities, negative ionization, and are easy to maintain. They can be placed directly at the workstation, preferably near the monitor, as they positively affect the employee's well-being.
Aloe vera, on the other hand, is a plant species for the office that releases oxygen at night. It purifies the air and can even survive in a dry environment. It positively impacts sleep quality and overall well-being during rest.